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We highly value a close working relationship between home and school and believe that through working in partnership with parents and carers, we can achieve our aims.

We encourage parents to be involved with their children’s learning and teachers are always willing to get in touch when needed. This can prove difficult at the busy times at the beginning and end of the school day, so it is preferable if an appointment or request for a call is made via the office. When possible, we seek to invite parents into school for various events from “Sharing Afternoons” in class to concerts and performances. Our Sports Days are always popular!

There are always volunteering opportunities for parents who would like to offer a little bit more to the school. All of our parents automatically become members of TEMPO, our parent teacher association, and the committee are always looking for volunteers to help at events or with other projects. Sometimes there are opportunities to welcome volunteers into class to help with hearing readers or practical activities – usually this would be in a different class to that of their children.

We are of course a part of our wider community and we actively seek to develop links within it. We enjoy visits and speakers from local groups and often choose local charities to find out more about and support.