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The RE curriculum at Temple Mill aims to ensure that all pupils acquire a knowledge and understanding of different religious and other worldviews along with the skills to appreciate and evaluate the varied worldviews and responses to questions, so as to be better able to develop and express their own informed worldview. 

Over time pupils will:

  • acquire and develop a knowledge and understanding of different religions and other worldviews (beliefs, practises and lifestyles), including a number of the world religions, especially Christianity. 
  • gain an understanding and appreciation of ultimate (fundamental, deep or big) questions.
  • acquire and deploy the skills to evaluate the varied worldviews and the different responses to questions encountered, which human life poses
  • become better able to clarify and develop their own informed worldviews and to express their own views on the matters and issues encountered. 

In EYFS, children will learn to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others, and to learn how to form positive and respectful relationships. They will have an awareness of different individuals and groups within their immediate community and an emerging moral and cultural awareness. 

By the end of KS1, pupils will have developed their knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews. They will be beginning to express their own views in response to what they learn using basic subject specific vocabulary. 

Pupils should be finishing primary school with an extended understanding of religions and worldviews, asking challenging questions about religions, belief, values and human life. Pupils should be able to express their own ideas and give reasons to support their ideas and views.

Curriculum Overview